Monday, December 26, 2011

Delta's Flowering plant

     Delta's flowering plant still blooms on the Administrator's desk, basking in the afternoon sunset...

It served in the concluding days of Advent to remind me once again that this medical Missionary to Nigeria, to Alaska, and to many more lives along the way...still lives.
  Her flowering plant, so beautiful and so healthy still, - is a reminder that Delta lives... gone from our sight, that is all...  She resides along with all those to whom I've (we've) been forced to say a temporal good-bye,  
     but one day, we will all be together again.  As surely as a Star led those who were seeking, we seek the Coming One and all He offers to those whose hearts are turned outward to those around and Heavenward to those who await...

Christmas is a Season

All Saints Altar just after Midnight Christmas Day 2011

...Christmas truly begins with the Nativity of Our LORD on December 24-25.  When the world puts away lights and wondrous wishes and begins to turn toward the future, I love to pause - during this special week to recall the incredible gift of a Child who came among us so that, in fact, we could look to a more glorious future than we could otherwise imagine, embrace, or enter...


     Christmas Day culminates in mixed emotions.  For a pastor, the body is exhausted but the spirit uplifted.  I loved the chance to share a dramatic presentation including a song to eager participants in the Christmas Eve Services.  Watching the candles' kindle in the eyes of a gifted tenor brought particular peace to my heart.  Watching little Kennedy dance to "Go Tell It on the Mountain" on Christmas Day brought joy to my heart.

     Much more could be shared, but I'll have to reflect on the satisfaction that munching on ham ("man candy") and cheesy potatoes brings...Thanks, Molly and Mike!  I sorely missed Mark for the first time in 25 Christmases and his bride, Marissa.  But the reflection of love in the faces of those gathered around a tree larger than me brought a calm to my heart.  As Henry Van Dyke wrote around one hundred years ago...It is a good thing to keep Christmas and to share it with as many as we can........

Monday, December 19, 2011

Memories..."Christmas Memories"

There is a song which was once recorded by "the Chairman of the Board" and more recently by Rosemary Clooney.  The song has a line that always brings me to the point of both tears and deep nostalgia as I remember my own upbringing and that of my children.  It unfolds this way...

"Happy faces
of all the children
who now have children of their own...

Memories, Christmas memories,
of all the Christmases I have known..."

I'm not always aware of the passage of time - until I see such in the faces and the maturity of the children I've known.  Kids like Josh Bonno, Marion O'Neil - whom I baptized and who is about to be married to a courageous soldier, and Marissa Bergeson - who just married my second birth ordered son, Mark, in a beautiful Advent Service when my captivating Gaelic Granddaughters, Aine and Sylvie, danced the night away on Dec. 10th...

"Memories, precious memories......of all the joys that I have known.