One of these days I'm going to have to take a holiday - just for blogging. I feel so many thoughts flooding in - especially when I'm driving - and so little time to blog.
When I stopped at a store after a very fulfilling day, I offered the person behind me the chance to put her twelve items next to mine - even though room in the "twelve items only" conveyor was tiny... She did so, but didn't acknowledge the gesture on my part in any way. Because the young lady was half my age, she might have been worried that I was "making a move;" however, I have to assert that if that ever entered my mind I'd yell, "run like ----," because my life is so complicated...
I contrasted this with the reception I received at a sister store last evening from Ruth. Ruth was in despair, because she was scheduled to work until 3 AM this morning. She lamented the management scheduling decisions, and I simply assured her that she's one of the best cashiers (along with Joyce, Becky, Joe, some of the other employees I've come to know). She seemed to appreciate the remark, although when I referred to the scheduler in an uncomplimentary way I had to clarify whom I was referencing...(not Ruth).
These encounters just underscore the fact that some people are going to give us "the brush," while others are going to appreciate our comments and our relationships... Watch for and celebrate your interactions with the receptive ones, my friends, because the time we're given is way too precious to waste!
Thank you Drex...I needed a bit of solace for that very reason tonight... feeling I got the "brush", when in fact I am so blessed to have so many in my life who truly care:), and the "run like ____," comment brought me to tears! Because I can soooo relate....