Wednesday, August 29, 2018

As the Seasons Change, may we each be renewed in the Spirit, inspired and empowered to leave a favorable touch upon the hearts of every person with whom we interact while there is yet the opportunity to do so...

Sunday, February 18, 2018

  Pat Bunyea and Sue Eversole today shared a story which Pat had previously written during our "Time for Children" at St. John's, Bridgewater.  In short, it was about giving and receiving a cherished blanket and being "wrapped" in Love.
  At the end of the time together, they distributed little packages with "Hershey Kisses" and then shared an encouragement to share some with people whom the children love.
  During Holy Communion distribution, Pat's Great Granddaughter, Sarah, handed me her candy morsel, still wrapped, and I placed it among the Communion Host on the Paten.  I gazed upon this offering there among the mystery moments of the Eucharist.
  And it was then that I hoped I will long remember a young woman's fitting response to the Salvific LOVE of the Savior revealed in Worship.

Saturday, February 17, 2018


  I have prayed and agonized about all the various conflicted, acrimonious, and often contradictory positions with regard to the violence, seemingly unique, to the United States.

  As I have prayerfully reflected, considering all the unspeakable heartache and loss in recent years, I'm persuaded that we must be in a position to pray for and to call for renewal and revival.  Seeking the Triune God for Direction may be the key to restoration, genuinely helping the hurting, and finding authentic peace...

Heartbroken but Hopeful,

Thursday, February 15, 2018

  Around this time of year, I remember my Dad and I walking to the pharmacy in New Rochelle.
It was just he and I when I was in the third grade.
  As the trips continued, his levity transformed from talk about cotton buds falling from a snowful sky to just getting through...
  Dad eventually was hospitalized close by Columbia University, NYC, where he was doing a Masters Program in music while teaching at Isaac Young Jr. High across from our apartment.
  I think of that special time spawned of peril to Dad's health when the cotton buds fall from the sky.

Friday, February 9, 2018

February Snow

  For years now I have hated snow. 
  I vaguely remember the joys of childhood snows when I catch a glimpse of children at play - like today.
  But for the most part, it just complicates the "adult" work I do...
  And then it has to be said that snow (the other four letter word) provides opportunity to be involved in the lives of others.
  I learned years ago that as a pastor one never wants to sound heroic, and I have striven to keep that as guidance.
  So today I will simply write that God nudged me to reach out twice this evening...
  May tomorrow bring us each a brighter, more warmer day...