Saturday, February 21, 2015

Over the last three months, we were devastated and had to say a temporal good-bye...

...But we've also been able and blessed to say a temporal hello...

The "Lion and the Lamb" are in close proximity...  On Veterans Day, the cat who "owned us" for 13 years (She was close to 15 in years.) left us for the place where faithful companions are gathered.  On the Sunday after Christmas, Son Joseph rescued for us a similarly appearing young cat about a year old.  This rescue is in full possession of a tail - unlike the last, who lost hers in an encounter with some sort of machinery.  This family addition and her canine companion have learned to co-exist. What more can one hope for?

Psalm 34:8 (NIV)

Tomorrow I will have the privilege of leading Worship among the Faith Family of St. John's Lutheran Church in Bridgewater, MI, where there is no bridge and no water...just very caring people who love Jesus and who wish to serve the LORD, spread "good news" of His Love, and see to His ever-expanding Rule and Reign.  Join us on any given Sunday, and "...Taste and See that the LORD IS good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him..." (New International Version)